Responsible Horse Care - Do I need to rug my horse?
23 September 2013
For domestic horses the answer is yes, no and maybe!
Air Boost Ventillation System
19 June 2013 - updated: 13 January 2017
Tattini has the first Riding Boots with a (patented) "Air Boost" Ventilation System...
This is how we test the Tattini products [video]
11 December 2012
The italian company Tattini always consults with and asks for the expert opinion of its partners, like KLP Lovasfelszerelés about the special new products...
RoFlexs mobile paddock system
4 August 2010 - updated: 21 July 2015
RoFlexs: Premium System - new mobile paddock system, with electric tape that is automatically retractable to the post...