
  • Do you have any questions?

    If you have any questions about any of our products, our webshop, the delivery or Tattini, please don't hesitate to ask it here!

    To top
  • Shopping in our webshop

    If you would like to buy something from our webshop, just follow these easy steps.

    In short:

    • Product selection: Put the product into your cart int the desired color, size and quantity
    • Cart overview: Review your cart, where you can get to after every product selection and from the top of the page also
    • Shipping information: From the cart you can get to the page, where you will be able to fill out the shipping information (such as name, address)
    • Select payment method: After filling out the shipping information, select the most suitable payment method for You
    • Completing the order: After the payment method You will be able to review all of it once more, you can leave us a note and send the order

    With little more details:

    • Product selection:
      On our site you can browser our products by Product categories, the Selection categories we have compiled, maybe by the Shopping by color groups, Brands, Sale categories, New products or by using the Product search at the top of the page.

      We will let you know at every product about the available sales, special ordering information and if the product is new.

      Once you find what you were looking for, click on the picture or the name of the product to get to the product's page, where next to the zoomable pictures and description you can choose from the available colors, sizes and can specify the quantity and put it into your cart. Furthermore you will find customer ratings, and some other recommended products for this one.

      After selecting the desired color, size and quantity, you will get to your cart, from where you will be able to advance to the next step, by using the Go to checkout button, or you can resume browsing from the product page where you came by clicking on the Continue shopping button.

    • Cart overview:
      Of course you are able to access your cart at any time from the top of the page, next to the search field. If you have your own account, if you've logged in before browsing our site, but for some reason now you're not able to finish the checkout, don't worry, the next time you sign in, you will see the same products in your cart what you've left there.

      On the cart page you will see the total value, the possible discounts and you can modify the quantities for the selected products too (if you would like to remove an item from your cart, just decrease it's quantity to 0).

      When you're ready to finish the order, click on the "Go to checkout" button to get to the next step.

    • Shipping information:
      To buy something from our site, signing up is not required. However, having your own user account has some advantages, including:
      • the previously mentioned, resumable shopping,
      • if you have loyalty discount, You will see your own prices (reduces with discounts) at the time you're browsing the products,
      • You can save multiple shipping addresses,
      • Your own, shareable wishlist,
      • the opportunity of rating the products,
      • view the history of your previous orders at our site,
      • etc.
      If you already have your own user account, but you have not yet logged in, you can do so here. After signing in, you can review your personal details and are able to modify them if you wish to. At the same time, you can save a new shipping address, what you would like to use for this order. The changes of your data and the possible new shipping address will be saved, and you will be able to select it the next time when you're ordering from us.

      If you don't have an account, you should fill in your details, the billing and delivery addresses for this order, and if you choose to, you can create a new user account too.

      When you're done, you can get to the next step by clicking on the "Go to payment methods" button.

    • Select payment method:
      On this page, you will be able to choose the most suitable option from multiple payment methods.

      When you're finished, to get to the next step, use the "Go to order completion" button.

    • Completing the order:
      On this page you can review the whole order once more. If you find any errors, use the "Back to the cart" button to correct any mistakes.

      If everything is in order, you can leave a note for this order and you can indicate, if you would like us to include a Tattini catalogue in the package next to the ordered merchandise.

      To finish your order click on the "Send order" button. The order will be saved, and You will receive a confirmation letter to the e-mail address you've given, with the order summary in it. Our staff will get in touch with you on one of the filled in contact options about the availability of products, dispatch date and precise shipping costs.

    To top
  • Shipping costs and services

    We can ship packages to anywhere in the world, with shipping costs depending on the destination, the weight and size of the parcel. But just to be sure you can get in contact with us about your specific order.

    We make every effort possible to find you the best packaging and carriage method to reduce your shipping costs.
    But we always have to take into account the packs' size and weight.

    Our contracted courrier partner is the GLS General Logistic System. Or outside Hungary their local contracted partners.

    Each pack has a transport fee depending on it's size and weight (unless we say otherwise).
    This cost will be added to the amount charged for the goods purchased.
    For the Shipping costs in Hungary please follow the link. For precise prices in other countries, please contact us.

    If we have the selected products on stock at the moment, the goods will be dispatched within 7 days of receiving your payment (this may change, depending on the payment method, eg: with collect on delivery the payment will take place after receiving the package). If we do not have the size or colour of the article which you require we shall contact you and give you an other possible delivery date.

    For every parcel in Hungary, we use the GLS Preadvice service automatically. This means, that the carrier will send you a text message on the morning of the delivery, notifying You about the parcel's arrival. In this message he or she will give You a 3 hour time-frame in which the parcel will be delivered. If this is not suitable for You, You can call back the sender and come to an agreement about an other interval.

    Please in the course of ordering always give us a phone number on which you are available, so the courrier can reach you on it and for ensuring your packages in-time delivery.

    Available extra services:

    • In urgent cases, express delivery (only in Hungary) is also available for an extra fee. If you need this service, please contact us in e-mail for further details.
    • If you would like to track your package, please contact us. We will give you your parcel number and with that reference number you will be able to track it in the GLS Track & Trace system.
    To top
  • Shipping cost calculaction Hungary

    We add shipping cost to the total price of the ordered products using the following chart (for Hungary): delivery cost + possible collect on delivery cost


    Weight (kg)Cost/parcel
    0.1-22110 HUF
    2.1-52270 HUF
    5.1-102420 HUF
    10.1-152590 HUF
    15.1-202820 HUF
    20.1-253340 HUF
    25.1-303830 HUF
    30.1-406380 HUF

    Other prices: (if you would like to use any of these, please notify our staff in the order note or during the follow-up discussion, thank you)

    • Parcel exchange price: 350 HUF + the delivery cost twice (for the round-trip transportation)
    • Saturday delivery: 3810 HUF

    GLS Bank Card ServicePaying with Bank Card at the time of delivery

    It is possible to pay with bank card at the time of delivery.
    The accepted credit or debit cards are the following: MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, American Express.

    Delivery to GLS CsomagPont (ParcelPoint)

    With this method the shipping cost is 1094 HUF+VAT (gr. 1390 HUF) between 0-20 kgs and 1488 HUF+VAT (gr. 1890 HUF) if higher than 20 kgs. The collect on delivery cost is 268 HUF+VAT (gr. 340 HUF) - if you pay this way.

    More information: Delivery to GLS CsomagPont

    Magyar Posta (MPL)

    Weight (kg)To addressPostaPont*
    0.1-11852 HUF990 HUF
    1.1-21885 HUF990 HUF
    2.1-31945 HUF990 HUF
    3.1-41975 HUF990 HUF
    4.1-51990 HUF990 HUF
    5.1-101990 HUF990 HUF
    10.1-152906 HUF990 HUF
    15.1-202990 HUF990 HUF
    20.1-255474 HUF-
    25.1-305558 HUF-
    30.1-355991 HUF-
    35.1-405991 HUF-
    To top
  • Collect on delivery fee calculation

    We don't charge any collect on delivery fees if you transfer the amount (or use the credit card or PayPal payment methods).


    Order amountCollect on delivery fee
    from 1 HUF to 50 000 HUF410 HUF
    from 50 001 HUF to 100 000 HUF510 HUF
    from 100 001 HUF to 150 000 HUF710 HUF

    If you use the GLS CsomagPont service, the collect on delivery costs are discounted.

    Magyar Posta (MPL)

    Order amountCollect on delivery fee
    from 1 HUF to 20 000 HUF895 HUF
    from 20 001 HUF to 50 000 HUF982 HUF
    from 50 001 HUF to 100 000 HUF1204 HUF
    from 100 001 HUF to 200 000 HUF1810 HUF
    from 200 001 HUF to 500 000 HUF3 043 HUF
    from 500 001 HUF to 1 000 000 HUF4 063 HUF
    above7 065 HUF
    To top
  • Delivery to GLS CsomagPont (ParcelPoint)

    GLS CsomagPontDelivery to one of the over 500 locations of Your choice, in 200 cities in Hungary. You can select from the available options on a map.

    The GLS carrier service will deliver the parcel to the selected address. After that they will notify You in text message or e-mail. It will be collectable in the next 5 workdays after showing valid identification, during business hours.

    Collect on delivery is available at every location, and some of them accept credit cards also.

    The shipping costs are reduced for this shipping method.
    For more details about the prices click here: Shipping cost calculaction Hungary

    More information:

    To top
  • Paying by PayPal

    PayPal is company dealing with secure financial transactions. It is present almost in every country in the world. For more information in english, check out their website.

    After we are ready with Your order, PayPal will send You a payment notification e-mail to the e-mail address you've given us with Your order.

    This e-mail is in english, it includes the your and our company's name and e-mail address, the invoice number, the date, the amount to be paid and a "Pay invoice" link. By clicking on this link You will be forwarded to PayPal's website.

    On this site, all the previously mentioned data of your order will be seen again, with a little more detail. You will be able to print the invoice, and start the payment process by clicking on the "Pay" button.

    When You click on this button, you'll have two options:

    • if you have a PayPal account, you will be able to sign in
    • if you don't have an account, or you would like to pay by credit card (via PayPal), click on the "Don't have a PayPal account?" link and fill in the credit card's data to the fields of the form.

      PayPal will verify your card, and if it is accepted by it, the card's logo will stay in color. If not, please use an other card, or get in touch with us, so we can discuss other payment methods. Thank you.

      When you're ready, click on the "Review and continue" button and PayPal will verify the given credit card data.

      In case of an error or missing fields, the site will show you in red where to make corrections.

      If PayPal finds everything in order, you will be forwarded to a new page where you can review all the details you've given, and by clicking on the "Pay now" button you will be able to finalize the payment.

    Either you selected the PayPal account or the credit card payment, we will get a notification about the successful payment and we can dispatch Your package.

    To top
  • Measurements

    In order to avoid ordering difficulties and size errors, we suggest, making accurate measurements before sending your order. After choosing the guessed size, write us a note with the measured results in the order "note" field before completing your order.

    Half-chaps measurementsBreeches measurementsClothing measurementsRug measurementsGloves measurementsBoot measurements

    If you are about to order a pair of half-chaps, please measure:

    • your calf girth at the widest part (a)
    • your shin's inner length from the ankle to the politeal (b)

    If you are about to order a pair of breeches, please measure:

    • your leg's length from the hip to the ankle (a)
    • your waist girth (b)
    • the desired zip-length (c)

    If you are about to order a jacket, please measure:

    • your bust size (a)
    • your shoulder's width (b)
    • your back-length from the nape to the bottom (c)
    • your arm's length from the shoulder to the wrist (d)

    If you are about to order a rug or blanket, please measure:

    • the length from horse's chest to tail (a1)
    • the length from withers to tail (a2)

    If you are about to order a pair of gloves, please measure:

    • the hand length, from tip of the middle finger to base of palm before wrist (a)
    • the palm width, flat from crook of thumb to outer edge of palm (b)

    If you are about to order a pair of riding boots, please specify:

    • your foot size (a)
    • the size of your calf in cm or inches, at the widest part (b)
    • the length of your shin in cm or inches, from the ground to the back of your knee (c)
    To top
  • Tattini Setter and Springer Leather Boots size chart

    This is the size chart for the Tattini Setter and Springer leather riding boots available in our webshop.

    EU 36EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    calf size XS32.432.933.433.934.434.935.435.936.436.937.4cm
    calf size S33.734.234.735.235.736.236.737.237.738.238.7cm
    calf size M3535.53636.53737.53838.53939.540cm
    calf size L36.737.237.738.238.740.240.741.241.742.242.7cm
    calf size XL38.438.939.940.440.941.441.942.442.442.943.4cm
    To top
  • Tattini Bracco, Breton, Terrier and Boxer Leather Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Tattini Bracco and Terrier (with zip only) and Breton and Boxer (with front laces and back zipper) Leather Boots available at our webshop.

    SH (normal) shin length:

    EU 35EU 36EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    shin length39.540.5434444.54545.54646.54747.548cm
    calf size XXS27*27.5*28*28.5*29*29.5*cm
    calf size XS28.5*2929.53030.53131.53232.533*33.5*34*cm
    calf size S30.5**3131.53232.53333.53434.53535.536cm
    calf size M32.5**3333.53434.53535.53636.53737.538cm
    calf size L34.53535.53636.53737.53838.53939.540cm

    - sizes in bold: have to be custom ordered
    - *: only available for Bracco and Breton models
    - **: Terrier and Boxer models have to be custom ordered

    HH (high) shin length:

    EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42
    shin length46.54747.54848.549cm
    calf size S (HH0)30.53131.53232.533cm
    calf size M (HH1)33.53434.53535.536cm
    calf size L (HH2)36.53737.53838.539cm

    This calf length is only available for the Breton, Terrier and Boxer models and only for special order.

    To top
  • Tattini Breton Young Leather Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Tattini Breton Young (with front laces and back zipper) Leather Boots available at our webshop.

    EU 34EU 35EU 36EU 37EU 38EU 39
    shin length35.53738.5404142.5cm
    calf size XS25.52727.52828.529cm
    calf size S2728.52929.53030.5cm
    calf size M2930.53131.53232.5cm

    To top
  • Tattini Terranova and Retriever Leather Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Tattini Terranova (with zip only) and Retriever (with front laces and back zipper) Leather Boots.

    SH (normal) shin length (heelless):

    EU 35EU 36EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    shin length39.54143.544.54545.54646.54747.54848.5cm
    calf size XXS2727.52828.52929.5cm
    calf size XS28.52929.53030.53131.53232.53333.534cm
    calf size S30.53131.53232.53333.53434.53535.536cm
    calf size M32.53333.53434.53535.53636.53737.538cm
    calf size L34.53535.53636.53737.53838.53939.540cm

    - sizes in bold: have to be custom ordered

    HH (high) shin length (heelless):

    EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42
    shin length46.547.54848.54949.5cm
    calf size S (HH0)30.53131.53232.533cm
    calf size M (HH1)33.53434.53535.536cm
    calf size L (HH2)36.53737.53838.539cm

    This calf length is only available for the Retriever model.

    To top
  • Tattini Akita Leather Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Tattini Akita (with zip only) Leather Boots available at our webshop.

    SH (normal) shin length:

    EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42
    shin length434444,54545,546cm
    calf size XS/S2929,53030,53131,5cm
    calf size S/M3232,53333,53434,5cm
    calf size M/L3535,53636,53737,5cm

    HH (high) shin length:

    EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42
    shin length46,547,54848,54949,5cm
    calf size XS/S (HH0)2929,53030,53131,5cm
    calf size S/M (HH1)3232,53333,53434,5cm
    calf size M/L (HH2)3535,53636,53737,5cm
    To top
  • Tattini Segugio Leather Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Tattini Segugio (with zip only) Leather Boots available at our webshop.

    Sizes in bold need to be custom ordered.

    SH (normal) shin length:

    EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    shin length434444,54545,54646,54747,548cm
    calf size XXS2828,52929,5cm
    calf size XS29,53030,53131,53232,53333,534cm
    calf size S31,53232,53333,53434,53535,536cm
    calf size M33,53434,53535,53636,53737,538cm
    calf size L35,53636,53737,53838,53939,540cm

    HH (high) shin length:

    EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    shin length46,547,54848,54949,55050,55151,5cm
    calf size XS (HH0)30,53131,53232,53333,53434,535cm
    calf size S (HH1)33,53434,53535,53636,53737,538cm
    calf size M (HH2)36,53737,53838,53939,54040,541cm

    To top
  • Tattini Inflatable Boots Shapers size chart

    Size chart for the Tattini Inflatable Boots Shapers.

    - S: 31.5 cm calf size (0420999)
    - M: 34.5 cm calf size (0421099)
    - L: 37.5 cm calf size (0421199)

    For jumping and hobby riding boots:

    EU 35EU 36EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    shin length (cm)39.540.5434444.54545.54646.54747.548
    calf size XXSSSSSSS
    calf size XSSSSSSSSMM
    calf size SSSSSMMMMMLLL
    calf size MSSSMMMMMLLLL
    calf size LMMMMMMLLLLLL
    calf size HH0SSMMMM
    calf size HH1MMMMLL
    calf size HH2MMLLLL

    For dressage HH riding boots:

    EU 35EU 36EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    calf size XSSMMMM
    calf size SMMMMM
    calf size MMMMLL
    calf size LMMLLL
    To top
  • Thermo-Polo Long Riding Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Thermo-Polo Long Riding Boots available in our webshop.

    H = height (cm)
    W = calf girth (cm)

    EU 363735
    EU 373836
    EU 383937
    EU 394038
    EU 404139
    EU 414240
    EU 424341
    EU 434442
    EU 444543
    EU 454644

    The dressage bow is not included in the height data. This has a height of 8 cm.

    To top
  • Thermo Polo Riding Boots foot size conversion

    This is the foot size converter table for the Loesdau Thermo Polo riding boots available in our webshop.

    foot size (cm)
    EU sizing3536373839404142434445
    UK sizing-3.54.5566.57.5899.510.5
    To top
  • Daslö Rubber Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Daslö rubber boots available in our webshop.

    L = length (without heel)
    G = girth of the calf

    EU 27EU 28EU 29EU 30EU 31EU 32EU 33EU 34EU 35EU 36
    calf size XSL28.529.530.531.532.533.53536.537.539.5cm
    calf size SL38.539cm
    calf size ML31.23232.838.539cm
    calf size LL41cm
    EU 37EU 38EU 39EU 40EU 41EU 42EU 43EU 44EU 45EU 46
    calf size XSL39.540cm
    calf size SL39.54040.54141.5cm
    calf size ML39.54040.54141.54242.543cm
    calf size LL41.54242.5434444.344.544.74545.5cm
    calf size XLL43.343.844.345.145.946.647.347.748.1cm
    To top
  • Black-Forest Rubber Boots size chart

    Size chart for the Black-Forest rubber boots available in our webshop.

    H = height (cm)
    W = calf girth (cm)

    calf size XXS (S-Sch)calf size XS (SW-Sch)calf size S (M-Sch)calf size M (L-Sch)calf size L (W-Sch)calf size XL (WS-Sch)calf size XWS (XWS-Sch)
    EU 2626.026.0
    EU 2727.026.5
    EU 2828.027.0
    EU 2929.027.5
    EU 3030.028.0
    EU 3131.029.0
    EU 3232.029.0
    EU 3333.030.0
    EU 3434.030.533.032.5
    EU 3536.031.534.033.038.533.5
    EU 3636.532.035.033.539.534.041.535.041.036.541.538.0
    EU 3738.032.536.034.039.534.542.035.542.
    EU 3839.
    EU 3940.033.537.535.040.535.042.536.543.538.
    EU 4041.
    EU 4138.536.041.536.043.037.544.539.544.541.540.543.5
    EU 4242.036.543.
    EU 4344.038.045.540.045.542.0
    EU 4444.539.
    To top
  • Sir Lancelot Body Protector size chart

    Sir Lancelot Body Protector sizingThis is the size chart for the Sir Lancelot Body Protectors available in our webshop.

    A: Chest (max/min)B: Waist (max/min)C: Over shoulder (max/min)
    Child, 6 years old71/6362/5958/54cm
    Child, 8 years old71/6562/5964/59cm
    Child, 10 years old77/7167/6270/65cm
    Child, 12 years old78/7371/6670/65cm
    Child, 14 years old83/7876/7176/70cm
    Adult XS89/7385/8084/76cm
    Adult S103/9396/9088/84cm
    Adult M111/10397/9195/91cm
    Adult L116/108107/10199/95cm
    To top
  • Sir Lancelot Back Protector size chart

    This is the size chart for the Sir Lancelot Back Protectors available in our webshop.

    Body height (max/min)Waist to shoulder length (max/min)
    child S/8 years old102/11428/32cm
    child M/10 years old114/12732/36cm
    child L/12 years old127/14136/39cm
    child XL/14 years old141/14639/41cm
    adult S141/15539/42cm
    adult M155/17142/46cm
    adult L172/18947/51cm
    adult XL190/20752/56cm
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  • Tattini Half Chaps size chart

    Size chart for the Tattini Half Chaps (Italian leather, Moulded band, Crocodile and Snake patterned) available at our webshop.

    Chaps SizeCalfLength
    To top
  • Daslö Gold Half Chaps size chart

    Size chart for the Daslö Gold Half Chaps available at our webshop.

    chaps sizeH0 heightH1 heightvádli
    To top
  • Tattini Level 2 Protective Vest size chart

    Size chart for the adult and child size Tattini Level 2 Protective Riding vests available at our webshop.

    X: length from neck to bottom
    Y: back width

    S (8 years old)4117.5
    M (10 years old)4418.5
    L (12 years old)4820
    XL (14 years old)5022
    To top
  • Tattini and Daslö rugs size conversion

    Our website uses the following size conversions for Tattini and Daslö rugs

    From girth to tail, cmFrom withers to tail, cmFrom withers to tail, inches
    10580 31
    11083 32
    11585 33
    12088 34
    12590 35
    13095 37
    To top
  • Riding breeches size conversion

    Our website uses the following size conversions for ladies' breeches

    Italian sizingEuropean sizingUK sizingGerman/french sizing

    Our website uses the following size conversions for men's breeches

    Italian sizingEuropean sizingUK sizingGerman/french sizing
    To top
  • Shoe size conversion

    Our website uses the following size conversions for ladies' shoes

    EU sizingUK sizingAustralian sizingUS sizing
    352 (women's)4 (women's)4 (women's)
    363 (women's)5 (women's)5 (women's)
    374 (women's)6 (women's)6 (women's)
    385 (women's)7 (women's)7 (women's)
    396 (women's)8 (women's)8 (women's)
    407 (women's)9 (women's)9 (women's)
    418 (women's)10 (women's)10 (women's)
    429 (women's)11 (women's)11 (women's)
    439 (men's)9 (men's)10 (men's)
    449.5 (men's)9.5 (men's)10.5 (men's)
    4510.5 (men's)10.5 (men's)11.5 (men's)
    4611 (men's)11 (men's)12 (men's)
    4712 (men's)12 (men's)13 (men's)

    Our website uses the following size conversions for men's and unisex shoes

    EU sizingUK sizingAustralian sizingUS sizing
    352 (women's)4 (women's)4 (women's)
    363.5 (men's)3.5 (men's)4 (men's)
    374 (men's)4 (men's)5 (men's)
    385 (men's)5 (men's)6 (men's)
    396 (men's)6 (men's)7 (men's)
    406.5/7 (men's)6.5/7 (men's)7/7.5 (men's)
    417.5 (men's)7.5 (men's)8.5 (men's)
    428 (men's)8 (men's)9 (men's)
    439 (men's)9 (men's)10 (men's)
    449.5 (men's)9.5 (men's)10.5 (men's)
    4510.5 (men's)10.5 (men's)11.5 (men's)
    4611 (men's)11 (men's)12 (men's)
    4712 (men's)12 (men's)13 (men's)
    To top
  • Jacket size conversion

    Our website uses the following size conversions for ladies' jackets

    Universal sizingItalian sizingHungarian sizingUK sizingUS sizing
    XS36304 2
    S38326 4
    M40348 6
    XL 44381210

    Our website uses the following size conversions for men's jackets

    Universal sizingItalian sizingHungarian sizingUK sizingUS sizing
    XS 44403636
    S 46423838
    M 48444040
    L 50464242
    XL 52484444
    XXL 54504646

    Our website uses the following size chart for children's jackets

    Universal sizingItalian sizingHungarian sizingUK sizingUS sizing
    XXS 26221 -1
    XS 28243 1
    S 30265 3
    M 32287 5
    L 34309 7
    XL 3632119
    XXL 38341311
    To top
  • Helmet and hat size conversion

    Our website uses the following size conversions for helmets and hats

    cminchesUK sizingUS sizing
    5019 5/86 1/86 1/4
    5120 6 1/46 3/8
    5220 1/26 3/86 1/2
    5320 7/86 1/26 5/8
    5421 1/86 5/86 3/4
    5521 1/26 3/46 7/8
    5621 7/86 7/87
    5722 1/47 7 1/8
    5822 5/87 1/87 1/4
    5923 7 1/47 3/8
    6023 1/27 3/87 1/2
    6123 7/87 1/27 5/8
    6224 1/47 5/87 3/4
    6324 5/87 3/47 7/8
    6425 7 7/88
    6525 1/28 8 1/8
    To top